Assassin for Hire

    Assassin for Hire


    Antonio Riccardi, a rare stamp dealer who is secretly a hired killer, pays for the violin lessons of his gifted brother Giuseppe. To meet the expenses of Giuseppe's concert debut he accepts a further job, but his decision to do so provides Detective Inspector Carson, who has long hoped to ensnare Tony, with an opportunity that might now enable him to bring about his downfall.

    Votre Filmothèque


    • Sydney TaflerAntonio Riccardi
    • Ronald HowardDetective Inspector Carson
    • Katharine BlakeMaria Riccardi
    • John HewerGiuseppe Riccardi
    • June RodneyHelen Garrett
    • Gerald CaseDetective Sgt. Stott
    • Gerald CaseCharlie
    • Reginald DysonJosef Meyerling
    • Martin BensonCatesby
    • Sam KyddBert


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