Alabok sa Ulap

    Alabok sa Ulap


    Eva is a dancer in a nightclub where Dom frequently stays. One night, Dom brings with him his best friend Winston to show Eva. Winston is smitten with her beauty and decides to pursue her without knowing that Dom is secretly in love with her. Eva and Winston eventually become a couple and Dom become their most trusted friend

    Votre Filmothèque


    • Dina BonnevieEva Baron
    • Edu ManzanoWinston Abad
    • Tonton GutierrezDom Romero
    • Dindo FernandoCris Montilla
    • Gloria RomeroMona Abad
    • Pinky de LeonCarol Abad
    • Lyka UgarteLeah Monserrat
    • Jaclyn JoseHannah 'Rey' Reyes
    • Jobelle SalvadorNellie Esguerra
    • Stella SuarezPatria Monserrat
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