Zombi Kampung Pisang

    Zombi Kampung Pisang


    The peace and serenity of Kampung Pisang (Banana Village) is thrown into complete chaos one fateful night….. .The troubles start with the sudden death of Pak Abu, who suddenly falls off his bike in front of three villagers. These three troublemakers are always hanging around the roadside, plucking their guitars and singing. The three lads, Husin, Atan and Mat Karan rush Pak Abu’s body back to his house, and quickly tell the great tale to Pak Jabit, the head of the village. Pak Jabit goes over to Pak Abu’s house to pay his respects, but suddenly dies when looking at Pak Abu’s prostate body.

      Votre Filmothèque


      • AwieHussein
      • Datuk AC MizalMat Karan
      • Que HaidarDeris
      • Sofi JikanSofi
      • EzlynnMaimon
      • Nadia MustafarCikgu Munah
      • Hamid GurkhaPak Mail
      • LoloqA. Kamsan
      • Jalil HamidPak Munawir
      • Mazlan Pet PetInspektor Cenehom


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