Get Away If You Can

    Get Away If You Can


    Hopeful that an open-ocean sailing trip might relight the spark of their passion, a troubled married couple hits a breaking point when one's refusal to explore a foreboding deserted island sends them on a deep internal journey that will soon require drastic decisions in order to survive.

      Votre Filmothèque


      • Ed HarrisAlan
      • Riley SmithChristian's brother
      • Martina GusmánMar
      • Terrence MartinChristian
      • Dominique BraunDomi


      • 60

        Film Threat

        The ambiguity in this glacially-paced but atmospheric and at times striking little film doesn’t so much tantalize as frustrate – only because the filmmaker duo approaches something so much deeper, wiser, and subtler.
      • 50

        The movie has an aura of indie navel-gazing that kept me at arm’s length.
      • 42

        The Film Stage

        Braun and Martin make some interesting choices and craft a gorgeous-looking film on an obviously shoestring budget, but none of that matters when my one wish was for these characters to never see each other again.
      • 25

        The A.V. Club

        One hopes the entire process made for great couples therapy, because watching it certainly doesn’t.