Biographical Fact

    Biographical Fact


    Pavel Ivanovich Shumov is a public assessor of the court, an engineer, and a good family man. At the next court hearing, some circumstances of the defendant’s life convince the hero that this is his son. Shumov is looking for the defendant’s mother and, not recognizing her as the woman he once loved, returns home...

      Votre Filmothèque


      • Leonid NevedomskyПавел Иванович Шумов
      • Tatyana LavrovaЛюдмила Викторовна
      • Irina MalyshevaИра
      • Nina ZotkinaТаня Зайчик
      • Vitali BazinИван Коренев
      • Natalya MarkinaЗоя Савельева
      • Viktor PerevalovВиктор Зайчик
      • Galina Rogachevaсудья
      • Emmanuil VitorganСаня
      • Georgiy ShtilЕвгений Николаевич Соляков
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