In One Microdistrict

1 Saison - 5 Épisodes.
En cours de diffusion.
In One Microdistrict


A new Soviet life is emerging in a new Moscow microdistrict. New people, new families, new neighbors. The elevator is not yet working, or is no longer working due to constant overload due to transporting furniture. Neighbors are just getting to know each other, getting to know each other, and gradually the lives of different families imperceptibly begin to intersect.

    Votre Filmothèque


    • Nikita PodgornyjАндрей Александрович Коробов
    • Irina AkulovaИрина Агашина
    • Svetlana Rodina-LjungkvistЛена
    • Anatoli RomashinГеннадий Максимович Борисов
    • Tatyana LavrovaНадя
    • Margarita ZhigunovaЗинаида Агашина
    • Nikolay PenkovДмитрий Алексеевич Шурыгин
    • Anna SidorkinaЛюся Шурыгина
    • Roman FilippovВася Мосолов
    • Nadezhda KorunkovaКатя Мосолова
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