Highlander II: The Quickening

    Highlander II: The Quickening


    In the year 2024, the ozone layer is believed to have been destroyed, and it's up to MacLeod and Ramirez to set things right. Opposition comes from both the planet Ziest (MacLeod and Ramirez's homeworld) and a corporation profiting from the supposed lack of ozone. Also, flashbacks show the story behind MacLeod and Ramirez's exile from Ziest.

    Your Movie Library


    • Christophe LambertConnor 'The Highlander' MacLeod
    • Sean ConneryJuan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez
    • Virginia MadsenLouise Marcus
    • Michael IronsideGen. Katana
    • John C. McGinleyDavid Blake
    • Phillip BrockCabbie
    • Rusty SchwimmerDrunk
    • Ed TruccoJimmy
    • Steven GrivesHamlet
    • Jimmy MurrayHoratio


    • 60

      Los Angeles Times

      It makes clearer much that was so vague in the original; it even jokes about how confusing its premise is. In short, audiences who made the first film successful enough to warrant a second will be getting a bit more for their money.
    • 50

      Washington Post

      With its fancifully moldering sets and technical effects, Highlander 2 is little more than a barbarous arena, a Conanistic return to paganism for those among us who still laugh at violence.
    • 40


      No plot, no real story, no point really.
    • 40


      The problem is – the film plays more like a brainstorm exercise than a feature length film. There are gobs of great ideas here, but none of them connect in the way fans likely wanted.
    • 40


      Audiences unfamiliar with the first film will be hard put to follow the action as it incoherently hops about in time and space.
    • 30

      Austin Chronicle

      The acting is terrible,with Connery, at his lowest common denominator, stealing the show. For those of you who worry that MTV video art will destroy cinema, the ineptitudes of this film vividly detail the radical difference in forms. It sucks. But it would have made a great comic book.
    • 25

      TV Guide Magazine

      Highlander 2 is beautiful. But it's largely incoherent. The film is desperately overplotted; events and years rush by and pile up like cars in an interstate wreck. It's also terribly overexplained.
    • 25

      Boston Globe

      The dullest and shoddiest action-adventure flick of the year, with only a few cute Sean Connery moments to rescue it from total, sheer and utter bogosity. [01 Nov 1991, p.29]

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    • Ironchain87
    • foxflo
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    • skolpols
    • Antihero
    • Unreasonable
    • cimet
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