

    When Helene Angel walks home from school with her older brother she is attacked by a street gang and painted white. The effect on Helene and her family is devastating. Helene locks herself in her room, her brother blames himself for not having successfully defended his sister, and the media descends on their neighborhood, completely disrupting her small family. But an outpouring of love and understanding from Helene's friends, classmates and family helps her face what has happened and draws the community together. Inspired by actual events, WHITEWASH conveys a powerful message that transcends age and race, told in an entertaining way perfect for children of all ages.

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    • Serena HenryHelene Angel (voice)
    • Linda LavinMs. Steunberg (voice)
    • Ruby DeeGrandmother (voice)
    • Ndehru RobertsMauricio (voice)
    • Randy KaplanRonnie (voice)


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