The best movies
with the theme artfilm
- Daniel Schmid: Le Chat Qui PensePascal Hofmann, Benny Jaberg, 2010
- The Congress of PenguinsHans-Ulrich Schlumpf, 1993
- Genesis 2.0Christian Frei, Maxim Arbugaev, 2018
- Architecture of InfinityChristoph Schaub, 2019
- Bear-LikeRoman Droux, 2019
- Queen of CondomsSilvana Ceschi, Reto Stamm, 2007
- Petropolis: Aerial Perspectives on the Alberta Tar SandsPeter Mettler, 2009
- Stop-OverKaveh Bakhtiari, 2013
- Picture of LightPeter Mettler, 1994
- Winter NomadsManuel von Stürler, 2012
- The Top of His HeadPeter Mettler, 1989
- TraumzeitFranz Reichle, 1992
- The Paris OperaJean-Stéphane Bron, 2017
- Max Bill: The Master's VisionErich Schmid, 2008
- Bad Boy KummerMiklós Gimes, 2011
- Tibetan WarriorDodo Hunziker, 2015
- Gangbé!Arnaud Robert, 2015
- Do ItSabine Gisiger, Marcel Zwingli, 2000
- The Sound of Insects: Record of a MummyPeter Liechti, 2009
- Above and BelowNicolas Steiner, 2015
- The ShelterFernand Melgar, 2014
- ScisserePeter Mettler, 1982
- Into Great SilencePhilip Gröning, 2005
- Story of NightClemens Klopfenstein, 1979
- Step Across the BorderNicolas Humbert, Werner Penzel, 1990
- Gambling, Gods and LSDPeter Mettler, 2002
- David Wants to FlyDavid Sieveking, 2010
- Raving IranSusanne Regina Meures, 2016
- Chris the SwissAnja Kofmel, 2018
- Like Stone Lions in the Gateway into NightOlivier Zuchuat, 2012