The Ring Seller

    The Ring Seller


    In a peaceful village, the mayor, seeing that the population is bored with tranquility, invents the mystical figure of Rajeh, and tells stories to villagers about the exploits of Rajeh, who kills and maims and steals. One day the mayor (Nasri Shamseddine) tells the villagers that Rajeh is heading to the village itself and they better be careful. Two smart men notice that the mayor was lying and that it is all his imagination. So they go on making good on the fictitious person and steal money and assault the mayor in the dark saying that they were Rajeh. Eventually, an old man with the name of Rajeh arrives in the village, amid public fears. Then it became obvious that Rajeh was merely a seller of rings for weddings and he wanted to marry his son to Rima, the mayor's niece. The two bad guys willingly go to jail for making use of the mayor's joke.

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      • FairuzRima
      • Nasri ShamseddineEl Moukhtar
      • Joseph AzarRajeh
      • Phelemone WehbeSabeh
      • Joseph NassifFadlo
      • Elie ChoueiriEid
      • Mansour RahbaniMakhoul
      • Salwa HaddadZbayda
      • William HasswaniAl Shaweesh
      • huda haddadLayla


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