


    MegaForce is an elite multi-national military unit that does the jobs that individual governments wont. When the peaceful Republic of Sardun in under threat from their more aggressive neighbor, the beautiful Major Zara and General Byrne-White see the help of Ace Hunter and MegaForce.

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    • Barry BostwickAce Hunter
    • Michael BeckDallas
    • Persis KhambattaZara
    • Edward MulhareByrne-White
    • Henry SilvaGuerera
    • George FurthProfessor Eggstrum
    • Mike KulcsarIvan
    • Ralph WilcoxZac
    • Evan C. KimSuki
    • Anthony PenaSixkiller


    • 30

      The New York Times

      Mr. Needham's secret weapon is Mr. Reynolds, and Mr. Reynolds isn't here. Without his overriding friendliness and humor on hand, there is too much opportunity to notice the weak spots in Mr. Needham's direction.
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      Washington Post

      Although Bostwick is left in the most exposed position by the nonsensical war games invented for Megaforce, it's obviously Needham who deserves the preeminent rap for fabricating a system of illusion so juvenile that the actors can scarcely avoid looking like chumps.
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      Miami Herald

      At heart, it is a Saturday- morning cartoon; the film might in fact have looked better as an animated feature. [30 Jun 1982, p.C6]
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      TV Guide Magazine

      Well over $20 million was spent to create a film full of sound and fury but without an inkling of intelligence.