GWAR: Phallus in Wonderland

    GWAR: Phallus in Wonderland


    Representatives of the government, clergy, and healthcare communities have banded together to censor Gwar's activities in America. Their covert organization, the self-appointed "Morality Squad" has captured Gwar "member" The Cuttlefish of Cthulu and put it on trial for obscenity. Gwar ventures forth from their Antarctic stronghold to rescue their compatriot and unleashes untold horrors on America in the name of Freedom of Sexpression. This was Gwar's first commercially released long form video and was nominated for a Grammy in 1993.

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      • Dave BrockieOderus Urungus
      • Gibby HaynesGerman Commercial Director
      • Mike DerksBalsac The Jaws of Death


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