The Lark

    The Lark


    Russian prisoners of war commandeer a tank and lead the Nazis on a cross-country chase in this World War II adventure drama. The Russians use their own tanks so the Nazis can use them as target practice to test a new anti-tank weapon. Knowing that death is near, the brave Russians run amok and tear down German monuments before heading out to a field where female slave laborers are working.

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    • Vyacheslav GurenkovIvan
    • Gennadiy YukhtinPyotr
    • Valeriy PogoreltsevAlyosha
    • Valentins SkulmeJean Peugeot
    • Bruno O'YaObersturmbannfuhrer
    • Ervin AbelSturmbannfuhrer Karl
    • Žanis KatlapsGerman Colonel
    • Heino MandriStandartenfuhrer
    • Gunārs PlacēnsGerman Soldier
    • Olev TinnMilitary Engineer


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