In the distant future, Earth has become a desolate wasteland, abandoned by humanity and overrun by mountains of trash. Amidst the rubble, a small, lovable robot named WALL-E spends his days tirelessly cleaning up the mess. But when a sleek, high-tech robot named EVE arrives on a mission to search for signs of life, WALL-E is immediately smitten. Together, they embark on a journey across the cosmos.
Your Movie Library
- Ben BurttWALL·E / M-O (voice)
- Elissa KnightEVE (voice)
- Jeff GarlinCaptain (voice)
- Fred WillardShelby Forthright, BnL CEO
- John RatzenbergerJohn (voice)
- Kathy NajimyMary (voice)
- Sigourney WeaverShip's Computer (voice)
- Teddy NewtonAdditional Voices (voice)
- Bob BergenAdditional Voices (voice)
- John CyganAdditional Voices (voice)
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