La très excellente et divertissante histoire de François Rabelais

    La très excellente et divertissante histoire de François Rabelais


    Sensual, facetious, satirical and mocking, François Rabelais born at the end of the 15th century, alone embodies the Middle Ages, this fertile era from which the modern world emerged, and the spirit of research, of intellectual fever of the Renaissance, its enthusiasms and its aspirations.

      Your Movie Library


      • Hervé BriauxAndré Tiraqueau
      • Jacques BoudetJean du Bellay
      • Bernadette LafontAmandine
      • Michel AumontFrançois Rabelais âgé
      • Marcel BozonnetJean Schyron
      • Olivier Brochele frère libraire
      • Eric ElmosninoFrançois Rabelais jeune
      • Anne Azoulayla jolie veuve
