Paris 05:59 / Théo & Hugo

    Paris 05:59 / Théo & Hugo


    Théo and Hugo meet in a club and form an immediate bond. Once the desire and elation of this first moment has passed, the two young men, now sober, wander through the empty streets of nocturnal Paris, having to confront the love they sense blossoming between them.

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    • Geoffrey CouëtThéo
    • François NambotHugo
    • Georges DaaboulLe vendeur syrien
    • Elodie AdlerL'infirmière
    • Claire DeschampsL'interne
    • Jeffry KaplowLe voisin raleur
    • Marieff DitierLa femme du métro
    • Mario FanfaniHomme au smartphone
    • Bastien GabrielPartenaire de Hugo
    • Miguel FerreiraPremier partenaire de Théo


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