Slut in a Good Way

    Slut in a Good Way


    Three 17-year-old girlfriends get a job at the Toy Depot for the holiday season and become smitten with the guys who work alongside them.

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    • Marguerite BouchardCharlotte
    • Rose AdamAube
    • Romane DenisMégane
    • Alex GodboutGuillaume
    • Anthony TherrienFrancis
    • Vassili SchneiderOlivier
    • Marylou Belugou
    • Claudia Bouvette
    • Audrey Roger
    • Nicolas Fontaine


    • 91

      The A.V. Club

      Lorain’s film ultimately doesn’t go especially deep in detailing its romantic relationships, its friendships, or any overarching storyline. But Slut In A Good Way is more than the sum of its entanglements; the actors and the camera work so well together that it feels, at times, like a musical.
    • 88

      Ditching many of the high school movie tropes for idiosyncratic raunchy comedy, Lorain’s film deliberately calls out the double standard that still exists while letting her flawed young characters still have fun.
    • 80

      The New York Times

      In satisfying fashion, Slut in a Good Way recognizes the potential for cruelty that exists as teenagers experiment and learn through sex, but its portrait of adolescence never feels less than loving.
    • 80


      I don’t want to oversell Slut in a Good Way here. It’s a tiny movie, and the bleary black-and-white cinematography looks only a notch better than “Clerks,” and yet, like Antoine Desrosières’ “Sextape” (easily the funniest film I’ve ever seen in Cannes, but still without U.S. distribution), Lorain’s film challenges traditional gender roles in such a way that’s surface-level entertaining but also deep enough to inspire a college term paper or two.
    • 78

      Austin Chronicle

      A sex-positive comedy that has a wit and a bite that are undeniable even though it at times traffics in traditional rom-com conventions.
    • 75

      Movie Nation

      A funny, thought-provoking teen romance/sex comedy in French, a light romp that never quite romps and doesn’t quite touch or delight.
    • 75


      Shot in black and white and set mostly in a retail environment, the French-Canadian film gives off a “Clerks” vibe as the trio of protagonists slack off, bitch about pay, and talk about life and love.
    • 60

      The Hollywood Reporter

      Not exactly the celebration of female promiscuity its title suggests.